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The efficacy and value of alfalfa extract

Alfalfa can not only be used as forage grass but its leaves can also be eaten as a vegetable. After being extracted, it is used more and more widely, such as food flavoring agents, protein substitutes, and coloring agents.

Benefits and values of alfalfa extract:

1. Lower cholesterol

Alfalfa saponins are unique biologically active substances extracted from alfalfa that can lower cholesterol and triglycerides in human blood.

alfalfa extract

2. Antioxidant

Flavonoids contained in alfalfa extract have antioxidant effects.

3. Protect your eyes

The carotenoids contained in alfalfa extract can protect the eyes and prevent degenerative diseases of the ocular nerves.

4. Lose weight

Alfalfa extract contains an active ingredient called plant saponin. In the intestinal tract, plant saponin has a great affinity for cholesterol and can be used as an oil emulsifier. It combines with cholesterol to form an insoluble compound The body cannot absorb it, and it is excreted together with the feces to achieve the effect of weight loss.

  • The efficacy and value of alfalfa extract