Apigenin 98% Apigenin 98%
What's apigenin ?
Apigenin is a bioflavonoid compound (specifically a flavone) which is found in a wide variety of plants and herbs. It is very abundant in chamomile tea, and exerts anxiety-reducing effects when consumed in these high doses. At even higher doses, it may be sedative.
Apigenin is also a very potent anti-cancer compound. It beneficially protects against a wide variety of cancers with high selectivity for cancer cells as opposed to non-cancerous cells. It also has a very high safety threshold, and active (anti-cancer) doses can be gained through consuming a vegetable and fruit rich diet.
1. Apigenin can help ecreases inflammation;
2. Apigenin may help prevent cancer;
3. Apigenin has anti-obesity properties;
4. Apigenin is Neuroprotective;
5. Apigenin may help mood and brain function;
6. Apigenin may lower cortisol;
7. Apigenin can reduces blood sugar levels;
8. Apigenin can improve bone healing;
9. Apigenin is helpful for skin;
10. Apigenin can protect the heart;
11. Apigenin may promote sleep.