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valerian extract

Valerian is a perennial hardy flowering plant and an herb, and valerian root extract is used as a dietary supplement. Valerian is macerated, ground, and dehydrated into convenient packages, such as capsules, for its sedative and anti-anxiety properties.

Medicinal Values of Valerian Extract:

1. Sedative effect

Valerian has a sedative effect, can strengthen the inhibition process of the cerebral cortex, reduce reflex excitability, and relieve smooth muscle spasms. Valerian with red flowers relieves insomnia, sleep disturbances, panic attacks, anxiety, and other disorders while also relaxing muscles.

valerian extract

2. Antibacterial effect

The total alkaloids in valerian extract have antibacterial effects, especially against Gram-positive bacteria. The two alkaloids isolated from it - valerianine and zongcaoning alkaloid also have effects, but the effect is general.

It should be noted that the components in valerian extract need to be decomposed by the liver, so patients with hepatic insufficiency are prohibited.

  • valerian extract