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Which Chinese herbs can licorice be soaked in water with

Licorice is a traditional Chinese medicine with a low price but great effect. Licorice can clear heat and detoxify, expel phlegm and relieve cough, and relieve pain. If licorice is combined with other Chinese herbs, the effect will be better.

Which Chinese herbs can licorice be soaked in water with?

1. Whitening and spot removing tea

Prepare 3 grams of licorice, 15 grams of Atractylodes, and 3 grams of green tea. Put licorice and Atractylodes into the ceramic, then add 600ml of water, boil it for 10 minutes, then add green tea.

2. Beauty

Licorice powder, Atractylodes Rhizoma powder, Poria cocos powder, and Paeonia lactiflora powder are in proper amounts, mixed well, and brewed with boiling water, which can have cosmetic effects.

3. Hawthorn Licorice Tea

100 grams of hawthorn, 50 grams of licorice, 2 liters of water, wash the hawthorn, cut it in half, add it to the water and boil it, after ten minutes, pour the licorice into the pot, cook for another five minutes, and drink it after it cools. Drinking hawthorn licorice tea for a long time can delay aging and lower blood lipids.

  • Which Chinese herbs can licorice be soaked in water with