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Turmeric Extract

Turmeric extract is derived from the dried rhizome of the ginger plant turmeric root. It contains volatile oil, the main components in the oil are turmeric, aromatic turmeric, gingerene, etc. the yellow substance is curcumin.

Application of turmeric extract in cosmetics:

In cosmetics, turmeric extract is primarily used as an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, flavor additive, and pigment. It is most commonly used in skin care products as there is a lot of evidence that it has antioxidant properties. It is also considered the first choice for preventing and treating a range of skin conditions such as psoriasis, acne, wounds, burns, eczema, sunburn, and preventing aging.

application of turmeric extract in cosmetics

Turmeric extract has also been shown to work synergistically with bromelain, another natural anti-inflammatory ingredient. You can find this ingredient in personal care products like body washes, facial moisturizers, cleansers, anti-aging serums, sunscreens, bath oils, baby products, bubble baths, weight loss creams, and tanning creams.

Turmeric extract is non-toxic and non-irritating and can be safely used in cosmetic processing products.

  • Turmeric Extract