Bellis Perennis Extract Oil
Bellis perennis is a common European species of daisy. Although many other related plants are also called daisy, Bellis perennis is often considered the archetypal species. It is sometimes called common daisy or English daisy. It is native to western, central, and northern Europe, but is commonly found as an invasive plant in North America.
Bellis perennis has been used traditionally for treating wounds. In homeopathy, Bellis perennis is often used in combination with Arnica montana to treat bruising and trauma.
Common daisy is widely used in homeopathy, but is currently only rarely used in herbal medicine. Although homeopathic dosing is generally recognized as safe (GRAS; United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) designation), there is a lack of well-designed clinical trials to support claims for efficacy related to the use of Bellis perennis. More research is needed in this area. Recent research has explored the possibility of using the plant in HIV therapy.
1. Powerful anti-cancer effect;
2. Cure migraine headaches and rheumatic inflammatory;
3. Used as carminative;
4. Applied as emmenagogue and insecticide;
5. Relieve renal pain and vomit;
6. Prevent cold and fever.